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We are expecting Golden Retriever puppies ca. 30 April 2017.
Both parents are very healthy and happy dogs.
Mother - Honey was DNA tested for 22 different sicknesses!
Puppies can be also DNA tested on request.

Jr. WORLD WINNER, SPA CH, 2 x Spanish Club Winner, 2nd Best Male in Open Class on CRUFTS (30 males in competition), multi CAC, CACIB, BOB, 9 x BOG, 3 x BIS, 1 x Res. BIS, 2 x BIS3!!
HD- AA, AD- 0/0, eyes - clear, heart - O.K., GR PRA 1 & GR PRA 2 - clear

Claudio's pedigree >>>

Claudio's pictures >>>

Honey Girl de Rancho Jerez
HD -B, AD-0/0, eyes - normal/ free
PRA 1 and PRA 2 - normal,
rcd4-PRA - normal,
RD/OSD - normal,
Hiplaxy 1 & 2 - normal,
ICT - carrier,
Skieletal displasia 2 - normal,
PFK test - normal,
Fucosidosis - normal,
SCID 2 - normal,
Congenital Hypotyroidism - normal,
Myotubular myopathy - normal,
Tremor X linked - normal,
Hyperuricemia - normal,
PDP1 - normal,
Piruvatekinase - normal,
Narcolepsy - normal,
Dog Skin fragility - normal,
Gallbladder Mucocele - normal,
Epilepsy - normal.
Centronucleaire Myopatie - normal,

Honey's pedigree >>>

Honey's page >>>

Honey's HD result >>>

Honey's DNA tests >>>


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